Celia D. Costas/Celia Costas is List of related works.

Celia D. Costas/Celia Costas List of related works
Main person in charge : Producer
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【List of related works】

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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
A Man Called Otto (2022)Executive Producer7.16 / 10.012
tick, tick... BOOM! (2021)Executive Producer7.50 / 10.02
A Quiet Place (2018)Executive Producer5.48 / 10.060
The Girl on the Train (2016)Executive Producer5.73 / 10.023
The Intern (2015)Executive Producer6.71 / 10.077
Annie (2014)Executive Producer5.47 / 10.017
August:Osage County (2013)Executive Producer5.86 / 10.023
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (2011)Executive Producer6.05 / 10.057
WALL STREET: MONEY NEVER SLEEPS (2010)Executive Producer5.13 / 10.044
Taking Woodstock (2009)Producer 5.66 / 10.03
Doubt (2008)Executive Producer, Other Crew7.18 / 10.055
Charlie Wilson's War (2007)Executive Producer5.60 / 10.038
Closer (2004)Executive Producer, Other Crew5.60 / 10.075
Angels in America (2003)Producer 7.00 / 10.02
Zoolander (2001)Producer , Other Crew6.18 / 10.087
28 Days (2000)Producer , Other Crew6.43 / 10.048
MEET JOE BLACK (1998)Producer , Other Crew6.08 / 10.0210
To Wang Foo, Thanks For Everything! Julie Newmar (1995)Other Crew7.59 / 10.032
The Program (1994)Other Crew4.00 / 10.03
Glengarry Glen Ross (1992)Other Crew7.38 / 10.072
Frankie and Johnny (1991)Other Crew6.88 / 10.063
Presumed Innocent (1990)Other Crew5.65 / 10.088
Blue Steel (1990)Other Crew5.90 / 10.020
Nighthawks (1981)Other Crew5.78 / 10.019
Rollover (1981)Other Crew0

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