George Michael is List of related works.

George Michael List of related works
Main person in charge : Other Cast
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Beverly Hills Cop II (1987)Insertion music, Write Words, Composer6.23 / 10.065
Deadpool (2016)Insertion music6.31 / 10.057
Bitter Moon (1992)Insertion music6.47 / 10.019
Last Christmas (2019)Insertion music, Write Words6.85 / 10.07
George Michael A Different Story (2004)Other Cast5.75 / 10.04
Bleed for This (2016)Insertion music6.33 / 10.03

Golden Raspberry Award

Year Department Title Name
8th(1987 year) Worst Original Song Beverly Hills Cop II Winner
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