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David Watkin List of related works
Main person in charge : Cinematographer
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Tea with Mussolini (1999)Cinematographer7.16 / 10.025
Gloria (1999)Cinematographer4.38 / 10.039
Night Falls on Manhattan (1997)Cinematographer4.64 / 10.014
Jane Eaye (1996)Cinematographer5.50 / 10.014
Milk Money (1994)Cinematographer6.20 / 10.015
This Boy's Life (1993)Cinematographer6.79 / 10.049
Used People (1992)Cinematographer5.66 / 10.03
Hamlet (1990)Cinematographer6.73 / 10.015
Memphis Belle (1990)Cinematographer6.18 / 10.091
The Retrun of the Musketeers (1989)Cinematographer2.00 / 10.02
Moonstruck (1987)Cinematographer6.58 / 10.080
Masquerade (1987)Cinematographer5.50 / 10.04
Gunbus (1986)Cinematographer7.00 / 10.01
Out of Africa (1985)Cinematographer5.58 / 10.060
White Nights (1985)Cinematographer6.32 / 10.028
Return to Oz (1985)Cinematographer6.52 / 10.017
The Hotel New Hampshire (1984)Cinematographer6.40 / 10.050
Yentl (1983)Cinematographer6.90 / 10.011
Chariots of Fire (1981)Cinematographer6.58 / 10.0101
Endless Love (1981)Cinematographer4.42 / 10.07
Honover Street (1979)Cinematographer6.11 / 10.017
Jesus of Nazareth (1977)Cinematographer7.33 / 10.03
Joseph Andrews (1977)Cinematographer0
Robin and Marian (1976)Cinematographer5.48 / 10.025
To the Devil a Daughter (1976)Cinematographer3.50 / 10.02
Mahogany (1975)Cinematographer0
The Four Musketeers (1974)Cinematographer5.42 / 10.07
The Three Musketeers (1973)Cinematographer6.72 / 10.011
The Devils (1971)Cinematographer8.75 / 10.04
The Boy Friend (1971)Cinematographer8.00 / 10.02

Academy awards

Year Department Title Name
58th(1985 year) Best Cinematography Out of Africa Winner
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