Tracee Stanley is List of related works.

Tracee Stanley List of related works
Main person in charge : Executive Producer
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【List of related works】

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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Spartan (2004)Executive Producer7.00 / 10.01
The Whole Nine Yards (2000)Producer 5.95 / 10.0120
Bordertown (2006)Executive Producer5.50 / 10.04
Dead Fish (2004)Producer 5.50 / 10.02
Urban Justice (2007)Executive Producer5.28 / 10.07
3000 Miles to Graceland (2001)Executive Producer5.24 / 10.045
THE EXPERIMENT (2010)Executive Producer5.23 / 10.013
The In-Laws (2003)Executive Producer5.09 / 10.011
Powder Blue (2009)Producer 5.00 / 10.01
Heist (2001)Executive Producer4.94 / 10.017
A Murder of Crows (1998)Producer 4.88 / 10.09
The Whole Ten Yards (2004)Executive Producer4.56 / 10.023
.45 (2006)Executive Producer4.50 / 10.04
If...Dog...Rabbit (1999)Producer 4.00 / 10.01
Storm Catcher (1999)Producer 4.00 / 10.01
Driven (2001)Executive Producer3.93 / 10.0139
AVENGING ANGELO (2002)Producer 3.75 / 10.04
Jill Rips (2000)Producer 3.66 / 10.03
Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000 (2000)Producer 3.32 / 10.076
Into the Sun (2005)Executive Producer3.22 / 10.031

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