Andrei Tarkovskii is List of related works.

Andrei Tarkovskii List of related works
Main person in charge : Director
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Der Himmel Ueber Berlin (1987)Other Crew6.40 / 10.097
The Sacrifice (1986)Director, Screenwriter, Editor7.29 / 10.031
Nostalgia (1983)Director, Screenwriter7.02 / 10.044
Stalker (1979)Director, Screenwriter, Art Director7.48 / 10.054
The Mirror (1974)Director, Screenwriter, Voice Artist7.54 / 10.022
Solaris (1972)Director, Screenwriter7.02 / 10.0105
Andrei Rublyov (1969)Director7.30 / 10.010
Ivanovo Destvo (1962)Director7.51 / 10.031
The Skating Rink and the Violin (1960)Director6.22 / 10.09

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