Prime Wave is List of related works.

Prime Wave List of related works
Main person in charge : Other Crew
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【List of related works】

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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
End of the World (2018)Distributing agency6.00 / 10.01
AGE OF ICE (2014)Distributing agency3.33 / 10.03
Independence Daysaster (2013)Distributing agency3.00 / 10.01
100 Degrees Below Zero (2013)Distributing agency1.50 / 10.02
500 MPH Storm (2013)Distributing agency1.00 / 10.01
Seattle Superstorm (2012)Distributing agency4.00 / 10.01
The Philadelphia Experiment (2012)Distributing agency2.00 / 10.01
The 12 Disasters of Christmas (2012)Distributing agency3.00 / 10.01
Doomsday Prophecy (2011)Distributing agency2.00 / 10.01
Snowmageddon (2011)Distributing agency4.00 / 10.01
The Terror Beneath (2011)Distributing agency5.00 / 10.01
2012: Ice Age (2011)Distributing agency1.00 / 10.04
Metal Tornado (2011)Distributing agency4.00 / 10.01
I Spit on Your Grave (2010)Distributing agency4.63 / 10.011
MEGAFAULT (2009)Distributing agency4.00 / 10.02
Newsmakers (2009)Distributing agency4.33 / 10.03
Lightning Strikes (2009)Distributing agency4.00 / 10.01
Ice Twisters (2009)Distributing agency3.00 / 10.01
Ba'al (2008)Distributing agency2.00 / 10.01
Trial by Fire (2008)Other Crew4.00 / 10.01
Day of Disaster (2007)Distributing agency7.00 / 10.01
Fire Serpent (2007)Distributing agency3.00 / 10.01
The Hive (2007)Other Crew3.00 / 10.01
CAVED IN (2006)Distributing agency3.00 / 10.03
Firestorm: Last Stand at Yellowstone (2006)Other Crew5.00 / 10.01
Path of Destruction (2005)Distributing agency1.00 / 10.01
Le Dernier tunnel (2004)Distributing agency6.00 / 10.01
Cave In (2003)Distributing agency5.00 / 10.01
Storm Watch (2002)Distributing agency4.00 / 10.01
Todesfahrt der Linie 834 (2001)Distributing agency5.50 / 10.02

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