Akira Ono is List of related works.

Akira Ono List of related works
Main person in charge : Camera and Electrical Department
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
ALL ABOUT SUOMI (2024)Camera and Electrical Department5.12 / 10.08
The hound of the Baskervilles (2022)Camera and Electrical Department5.33 / 10.03
Million Dollar Man (2018)Camera and Electrical Department4.16 / 10.06
Terra Formars (2016)Camera and Electrical Department4.10 / 10.028
Galaxy Turnpike (2015)Camera and Electrical Department2.71 / 10.021
Why don't you play in hell? (2013)Camera and Electrical Department5.90 / 10.054
Nodame Cantabile: The Movie II (2010)Camera and Electrical Department5.60 / 10.028
Last Operations Under the Orion (2009)Camera and Electrical Department5.37 / 10.032
Amalfi: Rewards of the Goddess (2009)Camera and Electrical Department4.84 / 10.073
Nodame Cantabile: The Movie I (2009)Camera and Electrical Department5.97 / 10.036
The Magic Hour (2008)Camera and Electrical Department6.69 / 10.0174
Suspect X (2008)Camera and Electrical Department6.67 / 10.0189
Yatterman (2008)Camera and Electrical Department5.14 / 10.075
Big Man Japan (2007)Camera and Electrical Department4.69 / 10.0144
Koizora (2007)Camera and Electrical Department3.19 / 10.047
Midnight Eagle (2007)Camera and Electrical Department3.98 / 10.050
THE WOW-CHOTEN HOTEL (2006)Camera and Electrical Department5.80 / 10.0229
Hula Girl (2006)Camera and Electrical Department7.07 / 10.0285
A Cheerful Gang Turns The Earth (2006)Camera and Electrical Department4.13 / 10.037
Battle Royale II[米]/Battle Royale 2: Revenge[英] (2003)Camera and Electrical Department2.72 / 10.0186
9 SOULS (2003)Camera and Electrical Department4.95 / 10.022
ICHI THE KILLER (2001)Camera and Electrical Department4.86 / 10.086
Another Heaven (2000)Camera and Electrical Department4.38 / 10.0102
Battle Royale (2000)Camera and Electrical Department5.46 / 10.0434
AUDITION (2000)Camera and Electrical Department6.05 / 10.037
Keiho (1999)Camera and Electrical Department6.42 / 10.080

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