Christopher McDonald is List of works performed.

Christopher McDonald List of works performed
Main person in charge : Actor
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Driving Me Crazy (1991)Actor8.00 / 10.02
DIRTY WORK (1998)Actor8.00 / 10.01
Chances Are (1989)Actor7.92 / 10.013
Lawn Dogs (1997)Actor7.41 / 10.031
The Iron Giant (1999)Voice Artist7.36 / 10.0172
Requiem For A Dream (2000)Actor7.17 / 10.0114
Wild Orchid 2: Blue Movie Blue (1992)Actor7.00 / 10.04
House Arrest (1996)Actor7.00 / 10.01
61* (2001)Actor7.00 / 10.01
Isn't She Great (2000)Actor7.00 / 10.03
Unforgettable (1996)Actor6.88 / 10.017
THE FACULTY (1998)Actor6.71 / 10.0203
Awake (2007)Actor6.68 / 10.019
SUPER HERO MOVIE (2008)Actor6.66 / 10.06
Grease 2 (1982)Actor6.50 / 10.02
Exposed (2015)Actor6.40 / 10.05
THELMA & LOUISE (1991)Actor6.39 / 10.0171
Quiz Show (1994)Actor6.35 / 10.087
Grumpy Old Men (1993)Actor6.33 / 10.03
Happy Gilmore (1996)Actor6.20 / 10.05
Broken Flowers (2005)Actor6.03 / 10.051
Fanboys (2008)Actor6.00 / 10.021
THE COLLECTION (2012)Actor6.00 / 10.010
THE HOUSE BUNNY (2008)Actor5.83 / 10.06
Spy Kids 2: Island of Lost Dreams (2002)Actor5.77 / 10.080
SLC PUNK!!! (1999)Actor5.50 / 10.02
Breakin' (1984)Actor5.50 / 10.02
Rumor Has It... (2005)Actor5.38 / 10.021
Takedown (2000)Actor5.37 / 10.08
Outrageous Fortune (1987)Actor5.12 / 10.08

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