Elizabeth Wilcox is List of related works.

Elizabeth Wilcox List of related works
Main person in charge : Art Director
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Godzilla (2014)Art Director5.59 / 10.0127
Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)Art Director6.56 / 10.0128
MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE - GHOST PROTOCOL (2011)Art Director7.17 / 10.0148
THE A-TEAM (2010)Art Director6.16 / 10.080
2012 (2009)Art Director5.52 / 10.0168
The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)Art Director3.88 / 10.0150
4: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007)Art Director4.48 / 10.060
Fantastic Four (2005)Art Director4.94 / 10.0138
Paycheck (2003)Art Director5.45 / 10.0137
I SPY (2002)Art Director4.35 / 10.042
Reindeer Games (2000)Art Director5.31 / 10.086
Get Carter (2000)Art Director4.10 / 10.037
Double Jeopardy (1999)Art Director6.04 / 10.0105
Mystery, Alaska (1999)Art Director6.73 / 10.015
Excess Baggage (1997)Art Director5.56 / 10.016
Mr. Magoo (1997)Art Director6.25 / 10.04
Unforgettable (1996)Art Director6.88 / 10.017
Gold Diggers: The Secret of Bear Mountain (1995)Art Director0
Jennifer Eight (1992)Art Director5.15 / 10.013
Run (1991)Art Director7.00 / 10.01

© 1997 JTNEWS