John A. Alonzo is List of related works.

John A. Alonzo List of related works
Main person in charge : Cinematographer
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)Cinematographer6.73 / 10.0192
Scarface (1983)Cinematographer7.55 / 10.0178
The Magnificent Seven (1960)Actor7.29 / 10.0154
The Bad News Bears (1976)Cinematographer7.37 / 10.0112
Chinatown (1974)Cinematographer7.04 / 10.091
Blue Thunder (1983)Cinematographer6.76 / 10.064
Overboard (1987)Cinematographer7.83 / 10.062
Steel Magnolias (1989)Cinematographer6.83 / 10.061
Black Sunday (1977)Cinematographer7.13 / 10.045
Vanishing Point (1971)Cinematographer6.75 / 10.037
Farewell, My Lovely (1975)Cinematographer6.89 / 10.028
Runaway (1985)Cinematographer5.52 / 10.025
Star Trek: Generations (1994)Cinematographer5.90 / 10.021
The Grass Harp (1995)Cinematographer6.60 / 10.020
Harold and Maude (1971)Cinematographer6.80 / 10.020
Tom Horn (1980)Cinematographer5.94 / 10.019
Navy Seals (1990)Cinematographer5.16 / 10.018
Housesitter (1992)Cinematographer6.78 / 10.014
Internal Affairs (1989)Cinematographer6.64 / 10.014
Clifford (1994)Cinematographer4.76 / 10.013
Letters From A Killer (1998)Cinematographer5.66 / 10.012
Norma Rae (1979)Cinematographer6.00 / 10.012
Deuces Wild (2002)Cinematographer2.90 / 10.010
The Cheap Detective (1978)Cinematographer4.70 / 10.010
Cool World (1992)Cinematographer5.14 / 10.07
Close Encounters of the Third Kind: Director's Cut Edition (2002)Cinematographer6.33 / 10.06
The Fortune (1975)Cinematographer5.00 / 10.04
Nothing In Common (1986)Cinematographer6.00 / 10.02
Conrack (1974)Cinematographer5.00 / 10.01
Fail Safe (2000)Cinematographer5.00 / 10.01

Academy awards

Year Department Title Name
47th(1974 year) Best Cinematography Harold and Maude Nomination
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