Philip C. Pfeiffer is List of related works.

Philip C. Pfeiffer List of related works
Main person in charge : Cinematographer
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Robocop (1987)Cinematographer6.94 / 10.0216
No Country for Old Men (2007)Cinematographer6.41 / 10.0216
Cliffhanger (1993)Cinematographer, Assistant Director5.93 / 10.0215
Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000)Cinematographer, Assistant Director5.44 / 10.0197
Arlington Road (1998)Cinematographer7.12 / 10.0186
Natural Born Killers (1994)Director, Cinematographer5.24 / 10.0156
JFK (1991)Cinematographer, Assistant Director7.27 / 10.0150
THREE KINGS (1999)Cinematographer5.40 / 10.0103
The Horse Whisperer (1998)Cinematographer, Assistant Director6.11 / 10.054
Wolf (1994)Assistant Director5.45 / 10.048
Places in the Heart (1984)Cinematographer7.07 / 10.042
Pushing Tin (1999)Cinematographer, Assistant Director5.71 / 10.038
The Doors (1991)Cinematographer, Assistant Director5.34 / 10.026
xXx: State of the Union (2005)Cinematographer4.92 / 10.025
Nixon (1995)Cinematographer, Assistant Director6.80 / 10.021
Blind Fury (1989)Cinematographer6.10 / 10.019
Heaven & Earth (1993)Cinematographer5.55 / 10.018
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (1995)Cinematographer, Assistant Director5.68 / 10.016
Talk Radio (1988)Cinematographer8.13 / 10.015
Monkeybone (2001)Cinematographer5.66 / 10.015
Appaloosa (2008)Cinematographer5.35 / 10.014
Blind Horizon (2003)Cinematographer, Assistant Director4.59 / 10.010
Tender Mercies (1983)Cinematographer6.71 / 10.07
Urban Justice (2007)Cinematographer5.28 / 10.07
In Country (1989)Cinematographer6.00 / 10.06
Blaze (1989)Cinematographer6.20 / 10.05
A Soldier's Story (1984)Cinematographer6.50 / 10.04

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