Ralph S. Hurst is List of related works.

Ralph S. Hurst List of related works
Main person in charge : Art Director
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Bullitt (1968)Art Director6.76 / 10.080
Rio Bravo (1959)Art Director7.40 / 10.071
Giant (1956)Art Director6.73 / 10.056
A Big Hand for the Little Lady (1966)Art Director7.80 / 10.050
Play Misty for Me (1971)Art Director6.12 / 10.049
The Old Man and the Sea (1958)Art Director5.94 / 10.034
The Bad Seed (1956)Art Director7.52 / 10.019
Willard (1971)Art Director6.25 / 10.012
Spencer's Mountain (1963)Art Director7.50 / 10.04
The Good Guys and the Bad Guys (1969)Art Director6.00 / 10.01
The High and the Mighty (1954)Art Director6.00 / 10.01
Countdown (1967)Art Director7.00 / 10.01

Academy awards

Year Department Title Name
29th(1956 year) Best Production Design Giant Nomination
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