Burton Miller is List of related works.

Burton Miller List of related works
Main person in charge : Costume Designer
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【List of related works】

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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
The Sting II (1983)Costume Designer5.33 / 10.03
The Nude BOmb (1981)Costume Designer8.16 / 10.06
The Concorde... Airport '79 (1979)Costume Designer3.33 / 10.018
DAMIEN: OMEN II (1978)Costume Designer5.16 / 10.043
Airport '77 (1977)Costume Designer6.09 / 10.022
Rollercoaster (1977)Costume Designer3.77 / 10.09
Columbo: Last Salute to the Commodore (1975)Costume Designer4.36 / 10.019
Columbo: Forgotten Lady (1975)Costume Designer7.28 / 10.035
Columbo: A Case of Immunity (1975)Costume Designer6.21 / 10.023
COLUMBO: Now You See Him (1975)Costume Designer7.20 / 10.025
Columbo: Identity Crisis (1975)Costume Designer5.60 / 10.023
The Front Page (1974)Costume Designer6.38 / 10.018
Earthquake (1974)Costume Designer6.68 / 10.029
McCloud:The Million Doller Roundup (1973)Costume Designer0
Columbo: Blueprint for Murder (1971)Costume Designer6.81 / 10.043
Columbo: Murder by the Book (1971)Costume Designer5.77 / 10.044
Columbo: Short Fuse (1971)Costume Designer6.00 / 10.030
Columbo: Suitable for Framing (1971)Costume Designer7.31 / 10.048
Ransom for a Dead Man (1971)Costume Designer6.76 / 10.034
Columbo: Death Lends a Hand (1971)Costume Designer6.82 / 10.034
Columbo: Lady in Waiting (1971)Costume Designer4.13 / 10.030
Columbo: Dead Weight (1971)Costume Designer4.93 / 10.031
Night Gallery (1969)Costume Designer5.25 / 10.04

Academy awards

Year Department Title Name
50th(1977 year) Costume Design Airport '77 Nomination
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