Alberto Grimaldi is List of related works.

Alberto Grimaldi List of related works
Main person in charge : Producer
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Gangs of New York (2002)Producer 5.03 / 10.0275
Ginger Et Fred (1985)Producer 6.57 / 10.014
1900 (1976)Producer 7.29 / 10.027
Fellini's Casanova (1976)Producer 6.90 / 10.020
Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975)Producer 4.20 / 10.062
Last Tango In Paris (1972)Producer 5.41 / 10.058
I Racconti Di Canterbury (1972)Producer 7.14 / 10.07
ADIOS, SABATA (1970)Producer 4.00 / 10.01
Il Decamerone (1970)Producer 6.77 / 10.09
Fellini-Satyricon (1969)Producer 6.61 / 10.026
Sabata (1969)Producer 5.00 / 10.04
A Quiet Place in the Country (1969)Producer 6.00 / 10.01
The Mercenary (1968)Producer 8.00 / 10.01
Histoires extraordinaires (1967)Producer 6.87 / 10.039
The Good, The Bad And The Ugly (1966)Producer 7.34 / 10.061
For Some Dollars More/For a Few Dollars More[米][英] (1965)Producer , Other Crew7.54 / 10.097

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