Jean Renoir is List of related works.

Jean Renoir List of related works
Main person in charge : Director
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【List of related works】

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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Ingrid Bergman In Her Own Words (2015)Other Cast7.00 / 10.01
Achilles and the Tortoise (2008)Write Words, Composer6.52 / 10.042
THE LITTLE THEATRE OF JEAN RENOIR (1970)Director, Screenwriter, Voice Artist, Other Cast10.00 / 10.01
Mississippi Mermaid (1969)Other Crew6.00 / 10.013
La Direction d'acteur par Jean Renoir (1968)Other Cast9.00 / 10.01
Le caporal épinglé (1961)Director, Screenwriter10.00 / 10.01
Lunch on the Grass (1959)Director, Screenwriter6.50 / 10.06
Paris Does Strange Things (1956)Director, Screenwriter4.66 / 10.03
French Cancan (1954)Director, Screenwriter7.62 / 10.024
Livia/The Wanton Countess (1954)Other Crew6.77 / 10.09
The Golden Coach (1953)Director, Screenwriter8.22 / 10.09
The River (1951)Director, Screenwriter, Producer 8.42 / 10.07
The Woman on the Beach (1947)Director, Screenwriter6.50 / 10.04
The Diary of a Chambermaid (1946)Director, Screenwriter6.33 / 10.03
THE SOUTHENER (1945)Director8.75 / 10.08
Swamp Water (1940)Director7.60 / 10.05
The Rules of the Game (1939)Director, Actor, Screenwriter, Producer 7.00 / 10.027
Judas Was a Woman (1938)Director, Actor, Screenwriter7.00 / 10.05
The Marseillaise (1938)Director, Screenwriter8.00 / 10.01
The Grand Illusion (1937)Director, Screenwriter7.71 / 10.042
The Lower Depths[米]/Underworld[英] (1936)Director, Screenwriter6.85 / 10.07
A Day in the Country (1936)Director, Actor, Screenwriter8.54 / 10.011
The Crime of Monsieur Lange (1936)Director, Screenwriter6.75 / 10.04
Life Is Ours (1936)Director, Actor, Screenwriter5.00 / 10.01
Toni (1935)Director, Screenwriter7.33 / 10.03
Liliom (1934)Original music 7.50 / 10.02
Madame Bovary (1933)Director, Screenwriter4.50 / 10.02
Boudu Saved from Drowning (1932)Director, Screenwriter7.33 / 10.06
Night at the Crossroads (1932)Director, Screenwriter6.00 / 10.06
the bitch (1931)Director, Screenwriter7.66 / 10.03

Academy awards

Year Department Title Name
18th(1945 year) Achievement in cinematic direction THE SOUTHENER Nomination
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