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Katie Spencer List of related works
Main person in charge : Art Director
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Cyrano (2021)Art Director7.50 / 10.02
Beauty and the Beast (2017)Art Director7.22 / 10.044
Anna Karenina (2012)Art Director5.73 / 10.015
Hanna (2011)Art Director5.00 / 10.044
The Soloist (2009)Art Director5.43 / 10.016
Sherlock Holmes (2009)Art Director6.05 / 10.0128
Atonement (2007)Art Director6.17 / 10.035
Pride & Prejudice (2005)Art Director6.05 / 10.070

Academy awards

Year Department Title Name
78th(2005 year) Best Production Design Pride & Prejudice Nomination
80th(2007 year) Best Production Design Atonement Nomination
82th(2009 year) Best Production Design Sherlock Holmes Nomination
85th(2012 year) Best Production Design Anna Karenina Nomination
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