Daizaburo Harada is List of related works.

Daizaburo Harada List of related works
Main person in charge : Special Effects
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Memories of Tomorrow (2006)Special Effects6.73 / 10.075
Legend of Nin Nin Ninja Hattori (2004)Other Crew4.82 / 10.034
CALMI CUORI APPASSIONATI (2001)Other Crew4.94 / 10.0151
Battle Royale (2000)Other Crew5.46 / 10.0434
Taboo (1999)Other Crew5.08 / 10.0112
Owls' Castle (1999)Other Crew3.48 / 10.0100
Swallowtail (1996)Special Effects6.82 / 10.0184
Sharaku (1995)Other Crew5.66 / 10.018
Not Yet (1993)Other Crew5.94 / 10.056
Rhapsody in August (1991)Other Crew4.80 / 10.035
DREAMS (1990)Other Crew5.82 / 10.075
Ran (1985)Other Crew6.67 / 10.0102

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