Kazuhiro Nakata is List of works performed.

Kazuhiro Nakata List of works performed
Main person in charge : Voice Artist
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
The Young Victoria (2009)Voice Artist6.09 / 10.011
The Invasion (2007)Voice Artist5.39 / 10.078
Kiddy Grade I -IGNITION- (2007)Voice Artist5.50 / 10.02
Casino Royale (2006)Voice Artist7.14 / 10.0207
Sympathy for Lady Vengeance (2005)Voice Artist5.70 / 10.062
Stoned (2005)Voice Artist4.83 / 10.06
Tom and Jerry: The Fast and the Furry (2005)Voice Artist7.50 / 10.02
Starsky & Hutch (2004)Voice Artist6.39 / 10.028
The Matrix Reloaded (2003)Voice Artist5.88 / 10.0652
Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003)Voice Artist5.61 / 10.0227
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life (2003)Voice Artist4.45 / 10.0131
2 FAST 2 FURIOUS (2003)Voice Artist5.82 / 10.096
The Matrix Revolutions (2003)Voice Artist5.03 / 10.0396
Love Actually (2003)Voice Artist7.52 / 10.0355
Warriors of Heaven and Earth (2003)Voice Artist5.65 / 10.020
LOONEY TUNES: BACK IN ACTION (2003)Voice Artist5.44 / 10.09
Oldboy (2003)Voice Artist7.01 / 10.0206
RED WATER (2003)Voice Artist4.91 / 10.012
Janis and John (2003)Voice Artist5.59 / 10.05
BIKER BOYZ (2003)Voice Artist3.00 / 10.01
Collateral Damage (2002)Voice Artist5.11 / 10.0113
D-TOX (2002)Voice Artist4.19 / 10.031
We Were Soldiers (2002)Voice Artist5.28 / 10.099
The Scorpion King (2002)Voice Artist5.32 / 10.080
Men in Black II (2002)Voice Artist5.39 / 10.0215
BLADE II (2002)Voice Artist6.20 / 10.0149
LIBERTY STANDS STILL (2002)Voice Artist4.70 / 10.017
Serving Sara (2002)Voice Artist4.00 / 10.08
Big Trouble (2002)Voice Artist5.60 / 10.05
Storm Watch (2002)Voice Artist4.00 / 10.01

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