Eiji Oshita is List of related works.

Eiji Oshita List of related works
Main person in charge : Camera and Electrical Department
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Seventh Code (2013)Camera and Electrical Department4.85 / 10.07
I Wish (2011)Camera and Electrical Department6.37 / 10.043
Cold Fish (2010)Camera and Electrical Department6.66 / 10.0106
Air Doll (2009)Camera and Electrical Department6.56 / 10.081
Dear Doctor (2009)Camera and Electrical Department7.05 / 10.075
Still Walking (2008)Camera and Electrical Department7.58 / 10.098
The Youth of Kamiya Etsuko (2006)Camera and Electrical Department6.60 / 10.020
RETURNER (2002)Camera and Electrical Department5.69 / 10.0153
JUVENILE (2000)Camera and Electrical Department5.13 / 10.045
Sonatine (1993)Camera and Electrical Department7.04 / 10.0153

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