Leland Orser is List of works performed.

Leland Orser List of works performed
Main person in charge : Actor
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
SE7EN (1995)Actor7.62 / 10.0640
Saving Private Ryan (1998)Actor6.95 / 10.0623
PEARL HARBOR (2001)Actor3.12 / 10.0599
Independence Day (1996)Actor5.53 / 10.0576
The Bone Collector (1999)Actor5.09 / 10.0212
ALIEN: RESURRECTION (1997)Actor5.75 / 10.0209
TAKEN (2008)Actor6.96 / 10.0161
Runaway Jury (2003)Actor7.39 / 10.0148
Daredevil (2003)Actor4.55 / 10.0134
Very Bad Things (1998)Actor4.11 / 10.070
Confidence (2003)Actor5.47 / 10.068
Taken 2 (2012)Actor5.75 / 10.058
Taken 3 (2014)Actor5.65 / 10.032
Excess Baggage (1997)Actor5.56 / 10.016
The Good German (2006)Actor4.78 / 10.014
The guest (2014)Actor6.33 / 10.012
Resurrection (1999)Actor5.70 / 10.010
Amsterdam (2022)Actor5.75 / 10.08
The Gambler (2014)Actor4.33 / 10.03
Piranha (1995)Actor5.50 / 10.02

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