Stuart A. Reiss is List of related works.

Stuart A. Reiss List of related works
Main person in charge : Art Director
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
...All the Marbles (1981)Art Director7.85 / 10.027
Beyond the Poseidon Adventure (1979)Art Director4.23 / 10.017
The Swarm (1978)Art Director4.42 / 10.07
Escape From the Planet of the Apes (1971)Art Director5.97 / 10.067
MASH (1970)Art Director6.40 / 10.071
Beyond the Valley Of The Dolls (1970)Art Director4.33 / 10.06
Che! (1969)Art Director7.00 / 10.02
The Boston Strangler (1968)Art Director6.00 / 10.011
Doctor Dolittle (1967)Art Director6.42 / 10.07
Fantastic Voyage (1966)Art Director7.08 / 10.099
What a Way to Go! (1964)Art Director7.42 / 10.07
FATE IS THE HUNTER (1964)Art Director6.00 / 10.02
Mr. Hobbs Takes a Vacation (1962)Art Director5.00 / 10.01
Seven Thieves (1960)Art Director7.00 / 10.01
The Diary of Anne Frank (1959)Art Director7.53 / 10.015
Kiss Them for Me (1957)Art Director5.00 / 10.01
The Seven Year Itch (1955)Art Director5.96 / 10.065
House of Bamboo (1955)Art Director6.25 / 10.04
There's No Business Like Show Business (1954)Art Director6.76 / 10.021
Niagara (1953)Art Director5.78 / 10.032
How to Marry a Millionaire (1953)Art Director5.90 / 10.011
Titanic (1953)Art Director5.33 / 10.06
What Price Glory (1952)Art Director6.33 / 10.03
The Desert Fox: The Story of Rommel (1951)Art Director6.55 / 10.09
No Way Out (1950)Art Director8.50 / 10.02

Academy awards

Year Department Title Name
26th(1953 year) Best Art Direction (Black-and-White) Titanic Nomination
32th(1959 year) Best Art Direction (Black-and-White) The Diary of Anne Frank Winner
37th(1964 year) Best Production Design What a Way to Go! Nomination
39th(1966 year) Best Production Design Fantastic Voyage Winner
40th(1967 year) Best Production Design Doctor Dolittle Nomination
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