Director's Company is List of related works.

Director's Company List of related works
Main person in charge : Producer
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Typhoon Club (1985)Producer 6.75 / 10.062
Detective Story (1983)Producer , Production5.64 / 10.050
Sweet Home (1989)Planer4.67 / 10.037
Tokyo Heaven (1990)Producer 6.36 / 10.025
The Crazy Family (1984)Producer 6.29 / 10.024
The Excitement of the Do-Re-Mi-Fa Girl (1985)Producer 4.85 / 10.014
Mermaid Legend (1984)Producer 5.71 / 10.014
The Guard from the Underground (1992)Producer 5.38 / 10.013
Love Hotel (1985)Producer 6.10 / 10.010
Luminous Woman (1987)Producer 4.77 / 10.09
Evil Dead Trap (1988)Producer 4.28 / 10.07
Kandagawa Wars (1983)Producer 5.75 / 10.04

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