Robert J. Litt/Bob Litt /Robert Litt is List of related works.

Robert J. Litt/Bob Litt /Robert Litt List of related works
Main person in charge : Sound Department
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【List of related works】

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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
The Shawshank Redemption (1994)Sound Department8.66 / 10.01245
STAR WARS (1977)Sound Department8.08 / 10.0368
SE7EN (1995)Sound Department7.62 / 10.0640
The Usual Suspects (1995)Sound Department7.48 / 10.0547
Mississippi Burning (1988)Sound Department7.43 / 10.095
My Cousin Vinny (1992)Sound Department7.35 / 10.092
The Secret of My Success (1987)Sound Department7.28 / 10.0128
Dangerous Minds (1995)Sound Department7.05 / 10.020
Frances (1982)Sound Department7.00 / 10.07
The Replacements (2000)Sound Department6.85 / 10.080
Phenomenon (1996)Sound Department6.80 / 10.0114
Angel Heart (1987)Sound Department6.78 / 10.0131
Blue Sky (1994)Sound Department6.66 / 10.09
Lone Wolf McQuade (1983)Sound Department6.66 / 10.03
They Live (1988)Sound Department6.64 / 10.0106
Death Hunt (1981)Sound Department6.50 / 10.02
Baby Boom (1987)Sound Department6.46 / 10.015
Grumpy Old Men (1993)Sound Department6.33 / 10.03
Addams Family Values (1993)Sound Department6.30 / 10.097
The Green Mile (1999)Sound Department6.29 / 10.0627
The Associate (1996)Sound Department6.26 / 10.019
Mulholland Falls (1996)Sound Department6.25 / 10.012
Magnolia (1999)Sound Department6.02 / 10.0272
HER ALIBI (1985)Sound Department6.00 / 10.01
Innerspace (1987)Sound Department5.97 / 10.070
Volcano (1997)Sound Department5.80 / 10.0148
Cat's Eye (1985)Sound Department5.75 / 10.04
Flight of the Navigator (1986)Sound Department5.75 / 10.012
Memoirs of an Invisible Man (1992)Sound Department5.57 / 10.035
Flight of the Intruder (1990)Sound Department5.53 / 10.015

Academy awards

Year Department Title Name
61th(1988 year) Best Sound The Replacements Nomination
67th(1994 year) Best Sound SE7EN Nomination
72th(1999 year) Best Sound Blue Sky Nomination
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