Ernest Laszlo is List of related works.

Ernest Laszlo List of related works
Main person in charge : Cinematographer
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
The Domino Principle (1976)Cinematographer6.50 / 10.06
Logan's Run (1976)Cinematographer4.38 / 10.018
That's Entertainment! (1974)Cinematographer7.27 / 10.036
SHOWDOWN (1972)Cinematographer0
Airport (1970)Cinematographer6.72 / 10.059
STAR! (1968)Cinematographer6.00 / 10.02
Fantastic Voyage (1966)Cinematographer7.08 / 10.099
Ship of Fools (1965)Cinematographer7.11 / 10.017
Baby, the Rain Must Fall (1965)Cinematographer5.00 / 10.01
It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World (1963)Cinematographer6.53 / 10.013
4 for Texas (1963)Cinematographer6.20 / 10.05
Judgment at Nuremberg (1961)Cinematographer8.21 / 10.028
The Last Sunset (1961)Cinematographer6.16 / 10.06
Inherit the Wind (1960)Cinematographer8.00 / 10.01
Ten Seconds to Hell (1959)Cinematographer4.50 / 10.02
Kiss Me Deadly (1955)Cinematographer7.22 / 10.09
The Kentuckian (1955)Cinematographer5.00 / 10.02
The Big Knife (1955)Cinematographer7.00 / 10.02
The Naked Jungle (1954)Cinematographer6.60 / 10.010
Vera Cruz (1954)Cinematographer7.04 / 10.022
APACHE (1954)Cinematographer6.37 / 10.08
Stalag 17 (1953)Cinematographer7.50 / 10.073
The Moon Is Blue (1953)Cinematographer6.50 / 10.02
HOUDINI (1953)Cinematographer7.50 / 10.02
D.O.A. (1950)Cinematographer7.50 / 10.06
Riding High (1950)Cinematographer6.00 / 10.02
Wings (1927)Cinematographer6.38 / 10.018

Academy awards

Year Department Title Name
33th(1960 year) Best Cinematography Inherit the Wind Nomination
34th(1961 year) Best Cinematography Judgment at Nuremberg Nomination
36th(1963 year) Best Cinematography It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World Nomination
38th(1965 year) Best Cinematography Ship of Fools Winner
39th(1966 year) Best Cinematography Fantastic Voyage Nomination
41th(1968 year) Best Cinematography STAR! Nomination
43th(1970 year) Best Cinematography Airport Nomination
49th(1976 year) Best Cinematography Logan's Run Nomination
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