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Roy Charman List of related works
Main person in charge : Sound Department
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Aliens (1986)Sound Department7.84 / 10.0302
Lady Jane (1985)Sound Department7.50 / 10.04
Superman III (1983)Sound Department4.90 / 10.052
Victor/Victoria (1982)Sound Department6.56 / 10.016
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)Sound Department7.48 / 10.0283
Superman II (1981)Sound Department6.18 / 10.060
Superman (1978)Sound Department6.80 / 10.0130
Robin and Marian (1976)Sound Department5.48 / 10.025
The Wind and the Lion (1975)Sound Department6.36 / 10.025
The Four Musketeers (1974)Sound Department5.42 / 10.07
Villa Rides (1968)Sound Department6.62 / 10.08
Grand Prix (1966)Sound Department7.58 / 10.024
Reach for the sky (1956)Sound Department4.00 / 10.01

Academy awards

Year Department Title Name
48th(1975 year) Best Sound The Wind and the Lion Nomination
51th(1978 year) Best Sound Superman Nomination
54th(1981 year) Best Sound Raiders of the Lost Ark Winner
59th(1986 year) Best Sound Aliens Nomination
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