Jerry Weintraub is List of related works.

Jerry Weintraub List of related works
Main person in charge : Producer
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【List of related works】

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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
The Legend of Tarzan (2016)Producer 4.86 / 10.015
Behind the Candelabra (2013)Executive Producer5.75 / 10.04
THE KARATE KID (2010)Producer 6.35 / 10.077
Ocean's Thirteen (2007)Producer 5.34 / 10.085
Nancy Drew (2007)Producer 5.25 / 10.04
OCEAN'S TWELVE (2004)Actor, Producer 4.42 / 10.0169
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002)Actor4.51 / 10.064
Ocean's Eleven (2001)Producer 5.46 / 10.0510
The Avengers (1998)Producer 4.09 / 10.072
Soldier (1998)Producer 5.04 / 10.061
Vegas Vacation (1997)Actor, Producer 6.00 / 10.08
The Specialist (1994)Producer 3.62 / 10.082
The Next Karate Kid (1994)Producer 4.44 / 10.027
The Firm (1993)Actor5.66 / 10.065
The Karate Kid, Part III (1989)Producer 6.09 / 10.032
My Stepmother Is an Alien (1988)Executive Producer7.09 / 10.042
The Karate Kid, Part II (1986)Producer 4.98 / 10.050
The Karate Kid (1984)Producer 6.52 / 10.0127
Diner (1982)Producer 6.88 / 10.018
Cruising (1980)Producer 3.44 / 10.09
Oh,God! (1977)Producer 7.28 / 10.07
Nashville (1975)Executive Producer6.69 / 10.013

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