Mark A. Mangini/Mark Mangani is List of related works.

Mark A. Mangini/Mark Mangani List of related works
Main person in charge : Sound Department
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
The Green Mile (1999)Sound Department6.29 / 10.0627
The Fifth Element (1997)Sound Department5.16 / 10.0293
The Mist (2007)Sound Department6.34 / 10.0285
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)Sound Department7.48 / 10.0283
The Time Machine (2002)Sound Department4.67 / 10.0270
Die Hard: With a Vengeance (1995)Sound Department5.96 / 10.0253
City of Angels (1998)Sound Department3.97 / 10.0177
Beauty and the Beast (1991)Sound Department7.06 / 10.0166
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)Sound Department7.75 / 10.0152
Aladdin (1992)Sound Department7.26 / 10.0133
The Kid (2000)Sound Department5.61 / 10.0123
Lethal Weapon 4 (1998)Sound Department6.49 / 10.0121
16 Blocks (2006)Sound Department6.14 / 10.0121
Conspiracy Theory (1997)Sound Department5.69 / 10.0102
Blade Runner 2049 (2017)Sound Department6.48 / 10.095
POLTERGEIST (1982)Sound Department5.87 / 10.085
Escape from New York (1981)Sound Department6.72 / 10.077
Innerspace (1987)Sound Department5.97 / 10.070
Small Soldiers (1998)Sound Department5.36 / 10.063
The Final Countdown (1980)Sound Department5.41 / 10.048
Che: Part One (2008)Sound Department4.80 / 10.045
Three Men and a Baby (1987)Sound Department6.27 / 10.043
Stigmata (1999)Sound Department5.16 / 10.036
The Men Who Stare at Goats (2009)Sound Department4.96 / 10.031
Che: Part Two (2008)Sound Department3.90 / 10.022
The Flintstones (1994)Sound Department4.33 / 10.021
Matinee (1993)Sound Department7.71 / 10.021
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)Sound Department5.68 / 10.016
Making Waves: The Art of Cinematic Sound (2019)Other Cast7.64 / 10.014
The Puppet Masters (1994)Sound Department4.80 / 10.010

Academy awards

Year Department Title Name
59th(1986 year) Sound Effects Editing Raiders of the Lost Ark Nomination
65th(1992 year) Sound Effects Editing The Green Mile Nomination
70th(1997 year) Sound Effects Editing Beauty and the Beast Nomination
88th(2015 year) Sound Effects Editing マッドマックス 怒りのデス・ロード Winner
90th(2017 year) Sound Effects Editing ブレードランナー 2049 Nomination
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