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Skip Lievsay List of related works
Main person in charge : Sound Department
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Old (2021)Sound Department6.30 / 10.043
Making Waves: The Art of Cinematic Sound (2019)Other Cast7.64 / 10.014
Hail, Caesar! (2016)Sound Department5.30 / 10.010
Gravity (2013)Sound Department7.65 / 10.0252
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013)Sound Department6.56 / 10.076
Inside Llewyn Davis (2013)Sound Department6.25 / 10.016
From the Sky Down (2011)Sound Department7.00 / 10.01
STONE (2010)Sound Department5.20 / 10.015
True Grit (2010)Sound Department6.75 / 10.068
BROTHERS (2009)Sound Department6.89 / 10.037
A SERIOUS MAN (2009)Sound Department6.11 / 10.09
Valkyrie (2008)Sound Department6.54 / 10.0100
Burn After Reading (2008)Sound Department5.33 / 10.077
It might get loud (2008)Sound Department5.33 / 10.03
No Country for Old Men (2007)Sound Department6.41 / 10.0216
The Ladykillers (2004)Sound Department5.15 / 10.092
Intolerable Cruelty (2003)Sound Department5.24 / 10.058
Men in Black II (2002)Sound Department5.39 / 10.0215
Big Trouble (2002)Sound Department5.60 / 10.05
The Man Who Wasn't There (2001)Sound Department6.65 / 10.0126
Shaft (2000)Sound Department4.83 / 10.043
O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000)Sound Department6.48 / 10.0157
Sleepy Hollow (1999)Sound Department6.63 / 10.0380
Blood Simple. (1999)Sound Department7.22 / 10.022
The Big Lebowski (1998)Sound Department6.65 / 10.0135
FARGO (1996)Sound Department6.58 / 10.0247
Casino (1995)Sound Department6.48 / 10.083
Georgia (1995)Sound Department8.50 / 10.04
CLOCKERS (1995)Sound Department6.28 / 10.07
The Hudsucker Proxy (1994)Sound Department6.60 / 10.069

Academy awards

Year Department Title Name
80th(2007 year) Sound Effects Editing No Country for Old Men Nomination
80th(2007 year) Best Sound No Country for Old Men Nomination
83th(2010 year) Best Sound True Grit Nomination
86th(2013 year) Best Sound Inside Llewyn Davis Nomination
86th(2013 year) Best Sound Gravity Winner
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