Elizabeth Olsen is List of works performed.

Elizabeth Olsen List of works performed
Main person in charge : Actress
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)Actress6.60 / 10.025
Avengers: Endgame (2019)Actress7.98 / 10.051
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)Actress7.02 / 10.042
Kodachrome (2018)Actress5.50 / 10.02
Wind River (2017)Actress6.95 / 10.049
Ingrid Goes West (2017)Actress0
Captain America: Civil War (2016)Actress6.54 / 10.046
The Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)Actress5.87 / 10.063
I Saw the Light (2015)Actress7.00 / 10.01
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)Actress7.03 / 10.055
Godzilla (2014)Actress5.59 / 10.0127
Oldboy (2013)Actress6.20 / 10.020
Kill Your Darlings (2013)Actress4.00 / 10.03
Very Good Girls (2013)Actress3.00 / 10.01
RED LIGHTS (2012)Actress5.00 / 10.026
Martha Marcy May Marlene (2011)Actress4.88 / 10.09
SILENT HOUSE (2011)Actress4.20 / 10.05

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