元奎/Corey Yuen Kwai/Corey Yuen is List of related works.

元奎/Corey Yuen Kwai/Corey Yuen List of related works
Main person in charge : Stage Director
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【List of related works】

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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
ZU WARRIORS FROM MAGIC MOUNTAIN (1984)Actor, Stage Director10.00 / 10.01
太極元功 (1978)Actor9.00 / 10.02
Killer Clans (1976)Actor8.00 / 10.01
A CHINESE TALL STORY (2005)Stage Director8.00 / 10.01
FONG SAI YUK (1992)Director, Stage Director7.66 / 10.03
Drunken Master (1978)Stage Director7.62 / 10.0129
Snake in the Eagle's Shadow (1976)Stage Director7.00 / 10.063
The Bodyguard From Beijing (1994)Director, Stage Director7.00 / 10.09
Fong Sai-Yuk 2 (1993)Director, Actor, Stage Director7.00 / 10.02
PEDICAB DRIVER (1989)Actor, Planer7.00 / 10.01
RIGHTING WRONGS (1986)Director, Actor, Producer , Stage Director7.00 / 10.03
Dragon Lord (1982)Actor, Stage Director7.00 / 10.02
Eastern Condors (1987)Actor, Stage Director, Producer(2)7.00 / 10.03
Yes Madam! (1985)Director, Actor, Stage Director7.00 / 10.03
The Millionaire's Express (1986)Actor7.00 / 10.01
All For The Winner (1991)Director, Actor, Writer, Producer , Stage Director6.83 / 10.06
Hero (1997)Director, Stage Director6.75 / 10.04
Fist of Fury (1971)Actor6.71 / 10.049
Dragons Forever (1988)Planer6.70 / 10.027
The Mighty Peking Man (1977)Actor6.63 / 10.011
The New Legend Of Shaolin (1994)Stage Director6.50 / 10.02
Lethal Weapon 4 (1998)Stage Director6.49 / 10.0121
ICEMAN COMETH (1989)Actor6.40 / 10.05
Dragon Lord (1982)Actor, Stage Director6.38 / 10.018
Kiss of the Dragon (2001)Stage Director6.36 / 10.0164
Ninja In The Dragon's Den (1982)Director, Screenwriter, Stage Director6.33 / 10.06
Transporter 2 (2005)Stage Director, Assistant Director6.26 / 10.093
So Close (2002)Director, Stage Director6.25 / 10.070
X-Men (2000)Stage Director6.10 / 10.0293
High Risk (1995)Stage Director6.00 / 10.06

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