Mainichi Broadcasting System, Inc./MBS is List of related works.

Mainichi Broadcasting System, Inc./MBS List of related works
Main person in charge : Producer
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
AKIRA (1988)Producer 6.50 / 10.0251
Departures (2008)Producer 7.04 / 10.0232
Japan Sinks (2006)Producer 3.99 / 10.0141
Space Battleship Yamato (2010)Producer 4.47 / 10.0116
ZEBRAMAN (2004)Producer 5.12 / 10.090
Cyborg She (2008)Producer 5.82 / 10.087
Flying Colors (2015)Producer 6.90 / 10.074
APPLESEED (2004)Producer 5.83 / 10.068
Out (2002)Producer 5.61 / 10.067
The Yin Yang Master II (2003)Producer 3.55 / 10.067
Face (1999)Producer 6.42 / 10.066
Crows Zero (2007)Producer 6.06 / 10.061
Heaven and Earth (1990)Producer 2.62 / 10.054
Talk, Talk, Talk (2007)Other Crew6.17 / 10.051
The Triumphant General Rouge (2009)Producer 6.26 / 10.050
Pandemic (2008)Producer 4.08 / 10.049
Koizora (2007)Producer 3.19 / 10.047
I Wish (2011)Producer 6.37 / 10.043
Crows Zero II (2009)Producer 5.94 / 10.036
A Heartful of Love (2005)Producer 4.65 / 10.023
The Summit of the Gods (2016)Producer 3.40 / 10.022
Jujutsu Kaisen0 The Movie (2021)Producer 6.52 / 10.021
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 The Movie -A wakening of the Trailblazer- (2010)Producer 5.00 / 10.018
Midnight Diner 2 (2016)Producer 5.52 / 10.017
MACROSS PLUS: MOVIE EDITION (1995)Producer 6.18 / 10.016
Attack on Titan -the first part- (2014)Producer 4.81 / 10.016
Sand Chronicles (2008)Producer 4.53 / 10.015
Mozu (2015)Producer 3.50 / 10.012
FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST (2017)Producer 4.50 / 10.010
from Siberia with Love (2022)Producer 7.44 / 10.09

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