TOEI VIDEO COMPANY, LTD. is List of related works.

TOEI VIDEO COMPANY, LTD. List of related works
Main person in charge : Producer
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Battle Royale II[米]/Battle Royale 2: Revenge[英] (2003)Producer 2.72 / 10.0186
Devilman (2004)Producer 1.45 / 10.0180
Yamato (2005)Producer 6.29 / 10.0162
Fist of the North Star (1995)Producer , Distributing agency1.27 / 10.0143
ZEBRAMAN (2004)Producer 5.12 / 10.090
CUTIE HONEY (2004)Producer 5.00 / 10.090
Memories of Tomorrow (2006)Producer 6.73 / 10.075
The Shonen Merikensack (2008)Producer 5.95 / 10.071
100 Yen Love (2014)Producer 7.32 / 10.050
HK: Forbidden Super Hero (2013)Producer 6.17 / 10.047
Year One in the North (2004)Producer 3.93 / 10.044
ISOROKU (2011)Producer 6.02 / 10.042
Fly,Daddy,Fly (2005)Producer 5.29 / 10.034
The Hovering Blade (2009)Producer 4.81 / 10.033
MY GRANDPA TAUGHT ME A LOT ABOUT LIFE (2003)Producer 5.37 / 10.027
HOWLING VILLAGE (2020)Producer 3.76 / 10.026
Rock'n'Roll Mishin (2002)Producer 5.78 / 10.023
Orochi - Blood (2008)Producer 5.70 / 10.020
The Last Love Song on This Little Planet (2006)Producer 3.82 / 10.017
THE LAUGHING POLICEMAN (2009)Producer 3.11 / 10.017
The Cowards Who Looked to the Sky (2012)Producer 7.06 / 10.015
THE LEGEND & BUTTERFLY (2023)Producer 5.60 / 10.015
125 Years Memory (2015)Producer 6.23 / 10.013
CHAMELEON (2008)Producer 4.33 / 10.012
Dog Race (1998)Producer 5.30 / 10.010
Girls Step (2015)Producer 7.70 / 10.010
Terminal (2015)Producer 5.20 / 10.010
LOST CARE (2023)Producer 6.60 / 10.010
Under the Same Moon (2005)Producer 3.55 / 10.09
Flavor of Happiness (2008)Producer 7.55 / 10.09

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