Hikaru Urano is List of works performed.

Hikaru Urano List of works performed
Main person in charge : Voice Artist
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Major League (1989)Voice Artist6.84 / 10.0160
Airport '77 (1977)Voice Artist6.09 / 10.022
The Shootist (1976)Voice Artist7.86 / 10.015
Farewell, My Lovely (1975)Voice Artist6.89 / 10.028
The Yakuza (1974)Voice Artist6.14 / 10.027
That's Entertainment! (1974)Voice Artist7.27 / 10.036
Bandolero! (1968)Voice Artist6.33 / 10.03
Anzio (1968)Voice Artist6.00 / 10.02
Villa Rides (1968)Voice Artist6.62 / 10.08
Casino Royale (1967)Voice Artist5.50 / 10.034
The Way West (1967)Voice Artist5.66 / 10.03
El Dorado (1966)Voice Artist6.50 / 10.022
What a Way to Go! (1964)Voice Artist7.42 / 10.07
The Longest Day (1962)Voice Artist6.77 / 10.067
Cape Fear (1962)Voice Artist5.95 / 10.022
The Grass is Greener (1960)Voice Artist5.00 / 10.06
The Sundowners (1960)Voice Artist7.00 / 10.02
Bell Book and Candle (1958)Voice Artist6.20 / 10.05
La Chatte (1958)Voice Artist6.50 / 10.02
The Hunters (1958)Voice Artist5.00 / 10.01
The Enemy Below (1957)Voice Artist7.45 / 10.072
Night Passage (1957)Voice Artist5.33 / 10.03
The Battle of the River Plate (1956)Voice Artist7.50 / 10.08
The Miracle of Marcelino (1955)Voice Artist7.26 / 10.045
Not as a Stranger (1955)Voice Artist5.33 / 10.03
River of No Return (1954)Voice Artist5.65 / 10.040
The Glenn Miller Story (1954)Voice Artist7.58 / 10.034
The Far Country (1954)Voice Artist8.50 / 10.02
The Naked Spur (1953)Voice Artist7.11 / 10.09
Moulin Rouge (1952)Voice Artist6.90 / 10.011

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