Isao Kajitani is List of related works.

Isao Kajitani List of related works
Main person in charge : Stage Director
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【List of related works】

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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Titanic (1997)Producer(2)6.73 / 10.0849
Apollo 13 (1995)Stage Director7.39 / 10.0358
The Day After Tomorrow (2004)Stage Director5.69 / 10.0346
The Butterfly Effect (2004)Stage Director7.49 / 10.0313
Inception (2010)Stage Director7.20 / 10.0281
I, Robot (2004)Stage Director6.22 / 10.0250
The Mummy Returns (2001)Stage Director6.22 / 10.0249
Constantine (2005)Stage Director6.03 / 10.0226
Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005)Stage Director5.99 / 10.0223
The Beach (2000)Stage Director5.03 / 10.0217
Romeo + Juliet (1996)Stage Director5.56 / 10.0212
The Devil Wears Prada (2006)Stage Director6.66 / 10.0209
Casino Royale (2006)Stage Director7.14 / 10.0207
The Bourne Supremacy (2004)Stage Director6.52 / 10.0202
Iron Man (2008)Stage Director6.80 / 10.0202
The Transporter (2002)Stage Director5.65 / 10.0184
The Fast and the Furious (2001)Stage Director5.66 / 10.0183
Van Helsing (2004)Stage Director5.43 / 10.0180
Ronin (1998)Stage Director5.39 / 10.0161
The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)Stage Director7.20 / 10.0145
The Bucket List (2007)Stage Director6.61 / 10.0144
THERMAE ROMAE (2012)Stage Director5.75 / 10.0141
Sherlock Holmes (2009)Stage Director6.05 / 10.0128
Quantum of Solace (2008)Stage Director6.16 / 10.0124
Edge of Tomorrow (2014)Stage Director6.66 / 10.0124
Footloose (1984)Stage Director6.51 / 10.0108
Saturday Night Fever (1977)Stage Director6.30 / 10.0107
Taxi 3 (2003)Stage Director5.27 / 10.0106
Fallen (1998)Stage Director5.20 / 10.0102
2 FAST 2 FURIOUS (2003)Stage Director5.82 / 10.096

© 1997 JTNEWS