Mayumi Tanaka is List of works performed.

Mayumi Tanaka List of works performed
Main person in charge : Voice Artist
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Dragon Ball Super: SUPER HERO (2022)Voice Artist6.40 / 10.010
Minions: The Rise of Gru (2022)Voice Artist6.42 / 10.07
Sing 2 (2021)Voice Artist6.87 / 10.08
Gods of Egypt (2016)Voice Artist5.10 / 10.010
Sing (2016)Voice Artist6.25 / 10.031
Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin I Blue-Eyed Casval (2015)Voice Artist6.33 / 10.012
Dragon Ball Z:Battle of Gods (2013)Voice Artist5.35 / 10.031
Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons (2013)Voice Artist6.42 / 10.021
Speed Racer (2008)Voice Artist6.56 / 10.092
CJ7 (2008)Voice Artist6.54 / 10.022
The Perfect World of Kai (2007)Voice Artist6.10 / 10.010
Death Note: The Last Name (2006)Voice Artist6.44 / 10.0141
Satree-Lex (2000)Voice Artist6.16 / 10.081
Babe: Pig in the City (1998)Voice Artist5.87 / 10.063
Babe (1995)Voice Artist7.13 / 10.0176
Losing Isaiah (1995)Voice Artist6.42 / 10.07
Young Indiana Jones (1994)Voice Artist4.00 / 10.017
North (1994)Voice Artist4.33 / 10.09
Addams Family Values (1993)Voice Artist6.30 / 10.097
The Sandlot (1993)Voice Artist8.33 / 10.03
We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story (1993)Voice Artist0
IRON MONKEY (1993)Voice Artist8.66 / 10.09
TERMINATOR 2: JUDGMENT DAY (1991)Voice Artist8.56 / 10.0615
My Girl (1991)Voice Artist7.18 / 10.087
Driving Me Crazy (1991)Voice Artist8.00 / 10.02
Home Alone (1990)Voice Artist6.49 / 10.0239
My Stepmother Is an Alien (1988)Voice Artist7.09 / 10.042
Cocoon:The Return (1988)Voice Artist4.29 / 10.017
Mac and Me (1988)Voice Artist4.75 / 10.04
HARRY AND THE HENDERSONS (1987)Voice Artist5.80 / 10.010

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