Kumiko Aso is List of works performed.

Kumiko Aso List of works performed
Main person in charge : Actress
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Migration (2023)Voice Artist9.00 / 10.02
Mirai (2018)Voice Artist4.45 / 10.046
My Life as a Zcchini (2016)Voice Artist6.75 / 10.08
The Boy and The Beast (2015)Voice Artist5.53 / 10.067
Grasshopper (2015)Actress4.94 / 10.018
The Actor (2015)Actress7.50 / 10.02
The Great Passage (2013)Other Cast6.58 / 10.094
The Wolf Children Ame and Yuki (2012)Voice Artist6.40 / 10.0130
GIRL (2012)Actress3.80 / 10.05
Achilles and the Tortoise (2008)Actress6.52 / 10.042
Crime or Punishment?!? (2008)Actress5.70 / 10.017
Hafez (2007)Actress5.50 / 10.04
THE WOW-CHOTEN HOTEL (2006)Actress5.80 / 10.0229
Yaji and Kita: The Midnight Pilgrims (2005)Actress5.32 / 10.071
ZEBRAMAN (2004)Actress5.12 / 10.090
CASSHERN (2004)Actress4.33 / 10.0198
IDEN & TITY (2003)Actress5.69 / 10.052
11'09''01 - September 11 (2002)Actress7.06 / 10.029
Last Scene (2002)Actress5.06 / 10.015
Pulse (2001)Actress4.98 / 10.099
Ring 0 (2000)Actress4.10 / 10.0101
License to Live (1999)Actress6.31 / 10.032
Dr. Akagi (1998)Actress5.59 / 10.044
SEVEN OF JULY SUNNYDAY (1996)Actress4.23 / 10.017

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