Keiko Kakeshita is List of works performed.

Keiko Kakeshita List of works performed
Main person in charge : Actress
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
The Wind Rises (2013)Voice Artist6.54 / 10.0184
The Borrowers (2010)Voice Artist5.69 / 10.0146
From Up On Poppy Hill (2011)Voice Artist5.70 / 10.0117
The Boy and the Heron (2023)Voice Artist5.87 / 10.056
BLOOD TYPE:BLUE (1978)Actress4.81 / 10.016
Jungle Emperor Leo (1997)Voice Artist5.40 / 10.010
Tokyo Chorus (1931)Voice Artist7.10 / 10.010
That Night's Wife (1930)Voice Artist7.28 / 10.07
Leonie (2010)Actress6.33 / 10.06
Days of Youth (1929)Voice Artist6.80 / 10.05
Dragnet Girl (1933)Voice Artist7.40 / 10.05

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