Mari Yokoo is List of works performed.

Mari Yokoo List of works performed
Main person in charge : Voice Artist
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
JIM HENSON'S THE STORY TELLER (1985)Voice Artist9.33 / 10.03
Die Hard (1988)Voice Artist8.40 / 10.0531
You're Out of Your Mind, Maggie (1979)Voice Artist8.00 / 10.01
Back to the Future Part II (1989)Voice Artist7.81 / 10.0393
Duel (1971)Voice Artist7.62 / 10.0308
Gone with the Wind (1939)Voice Artist7.58 / 10.0260
Irma La Douce (1963)Voice Artist7.40 / 10.071
Bolero (1981)Voice Artist7.39 / 10.041
Blade Runner (1982)Voice Artist7.38 / 10.0242
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)Voice Artist7.33 / 10.0498
The Goonies (1985)Voice Artist7.33 / 10.0309
Blade Runner (1982)Voice Artist7.33 / 10.06
The Candidate (1972)Voice Artist7.25 / 10.016
Witness (1985)Voice Artist7.18 / 10.0127
Rear Window (1954)Voice Artist7.17 / 10.0238
Blade Runner: The Director's Cut (1992)Voice Artist7.15 / 10.057
The King of Comedy (1982)Voice Artist7.09 / 10.081
Tootsie (1982)Voice Artist7.06 / 10.0113
Beauty and the Beast (1991)Voice Artist7.06 / 10.0166
Manhattan (1979)Voice Artist7.03 / 10.052
Robocop (1987)Voice Artist6.94 / 10.0216
Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)Voice Artist6.90 / 10.044
The Living Daylights (1987)Voice Artist6.85 / 10.068
RIO LOBO (1970)Voice Artist6.85 / 10.07
Vertigo (1958)Voice Artist6.77 / 10.0142
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)Voice Artist6.73 / 10.0192
Licence to Kill (1989)Voice Artist6.65 / 10.061
Moonstruck (1987)Voice Artist6.58 / 10.081
POLICE ACADEMY 2:THEIR FIRST ASSIGNMENT (1985)Voice Artist6.57 / 10.019
Wall Street (1987)Voice Artist6.49 / 10.0105

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