Shigeru Nakahara is List of works performed.

Shigeru Nakahara List of works performed
Main person in charge : Voice Artist
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)Voice Artist6.64 / 10.0131
X2 (2003)Voice Artist6.76 / 10.0236
Infernal Affairs II (2003)Voice Artist6.74 / 10.078
Infernal Affairs III (2003)Voice Artist6.28 / 10.067
Infernal Affairs (2002)Voice Artist7.65 / 10.0274
THE EMPEROR'S CLUB (2002)Voice Artist6.61 / 10.013
Legally Blonde (2001)Voice Artist7.20 / 10.0185
A Day/一日 (2001)Voice Artist5.69 / 10.013
X-Men (2000)Voice Artist6.10 / 10.0293
Nutty Professor II: The Klumps (2000)Voice Artist4.59 / 10.037
The Thin Red Line (1998)Voice Artist4.94 / 10.0217
U.S. Marshals (1998)Voice Artist5.81 / 10.0105
New Mobile Report Gundam Wing Endless Waltz Special Edition (1998)Voice Artist5.15 / 10.019
Courage Under Fire (1996)Voice Artist5.87 / 10.0132
Ransom (1996)Voice Artist6.68 / 10.0151
Braveheart (1995)Voice Artist7.80 / 10.0310
Village of the Damned (1995)Voice Artist3.35 / 10.056
Renaissance Man (1994)Voice Artist7.28 / 10.028
The Fugitive (1993)Voice Artist7.36 / 10.0254
Point Break (1991)Voice Artist6.07 / 10.099
The Doors (1991)Voice Artist5.34 / 10.026
TRUE COLORS (1991)Voice Artist6.42 / 10.07
Memphis Belle (1990)Voice Artist6.18 / 10.091
I Love You to Death (1990)Voice Artist6.06 / 10.030
Drugstore Cowboy (1989)Voice Artist6.06 / 10.033
Masters of the Universe (1987)Voice Artist6.16 / 10.06
Adventures in Babysitting (1987)Voice Artist7.20 / 10.010
Mirage (1987)Voice Artist8.33 / 10.03
Crocodile Dundee (1986)Voice Artist6.59 / 10.064
The Outsiders (1983)Voice Artist6.27 / 10.076

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