Mitsuo Iwata is List of works performed.

Mitsuo Iwata List of works performed
Main person in charge : Voice Artist
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Tom and Jerry (2021)Voice Artist5.63 / 10.011
Jujutsu Kaisen0 The Movie (2021)Voice Artist6.52 / 10.021
Ghostbusters (2016)Voice Artist5.16 / 10.036
Jurassic World (2015)Voice Artist6.12 / 10.0114
THE FINAL DESTINATION (2009)Voice Artist4.87 / 10.047
Enchanted (2007)Voice Artist7.04 / 10.0152
Paprika (2006)Voice Artist5.78 / 10.076
The Incredibles (2004)Voice Artist7.60 / 10.0248
Dead Leaves (2004)Voice Artist2.00 / 10.02
EVOLUTION (2001)Voice Artist5.25 / 10.0151
Initial D Third Stage (2001)Voice Artist5.33 / 10.06
Mortal Kombat (1995)Voice Artist5.24 / 10.025
AKIRA (1988)Voice Artist6.50 / 10.0251
Stand by Me (1986)Voice Artist8.10 / 10.0587
On Golden Pond (1981)Voice Artist7.56 / 10.046
Melody (1971)Voice Artist7.48 / 10.0174
Peter Pan (1953)Voice Artist6.82 / 10.056

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