Ittoku Kishibe is List of works performed.

Ittoku Kishibe List of works performed
Main person in charge : Actor
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Kubi (2023)Actor5.50 / 10.028
OUTRAGE 0 CODA (2017)Actor5.40 / 10.037
Foujita (2015)Actor3.00 / 10.01
Backwater (2013)Actor5.87 / 10.016
13 ASSASSINS (2010)Actor6.18 / 10.097
10 Promises to My Dog (2008)Actor4.88 / 10.018
HAPPY FLIGHT (2008)Actor6.58 / 10.0136
CHAMELEON (2008)Actor4.33 / 10.012
Walking My Life (2007)Actor4.75 / 10.020
Hula Girl (2006)Actor7.07 / 10.0285
A Hardest Night!! (2006)Actor5.79 / 10.024
Waiting in the Dark (2006)Actor6.35 / 10.039
Aegis (2005)Actor5.10 / 10.0142
loved gun (2004)Actor4.66 / 10.012
VITAL (2004)Actor5.46 / 10.015
The Milkwoman (2004)Actor6.50 / 10.036
Zatoichi (2003)Actor6.60 / 10.0355
The Yin Yang Master (2001)Actor4.71 / 10.0187
Gojoe: Spirit War Chronicle (2000)Actor4.44 / 10.049
Face (1999)Actor6.42 / 10.066
Amateur Singing Contest (1999)Actor6.17 / 10.052
Keiho (1999)Actor6.42 / 10.080
Seance(1999) (1999)Actor6.66 / 10.018
Shark Skin Man and Peach Hip Girl (1998)Actor6.39 / 10.0121
Happy-Go-Lucky (1997)Actor7.14 / 10.014
Billiken (1996)Actor5.90 / 10.011
Chizuko's Younger Sister (1991)Actor6.91 / 10.047
Violent Cop (1989)Actor7.12 / 10.0125
Flakes of Snow (1985)Actor4.27 / 10.011

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