Gordon Jennings is List of related works.

Gordon Jennings List of related works
Main person in charge : Special Effects
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【List of related works】

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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
The War of the Worlds (1953)Special Effects5.89 / 10.055
Shane (1953)Special Effects7.11 / 10.087
Stalag 17 (1953)Special Effects7.50 / 10.073
HOUDINI (1953)Special Effects7.50 / 10.02
The Greatest Show on Earth (1952)Special Effects7.05 / 10.019
SON OF PALEFACE (1952)Special Effects5.50 / 10.02
A Place in the Sun (1951)Special Effects6.61 / 10.049
When Worlds Collide (1951)Special Effects5.60 / 10.015
Sunset Blvd. (1950)Special Effects7.63 / 10.0141
September Affair (1950)Special Effects6.41 / 10.012
The Furies (1950)Special Effects6.00 / 10.03
Samson And Delilah (1949)Special Effects6.28 / 10.07
The Heiress (1949)Special Effects8.07 / 10.014
Rope of Sand (1949)Special Effects6.00 / 10.01
The Paleface (1948)Special Effects6.70 / 10.010
The Emperor Waltz (1948)Special Effects7.00 / 10.05
Sorry, Wrong Number (1948)Special Effects6.60 / 10.05
Unconquered (1947)Special Effects7.00 / 10.02
The Perils of Pauline (1947)Special Effects7.00 / 10.03
California (1947)Special Effects7.00 / 10.01
Road to Utopia (1946)Special Effects6.00 / 10.01
Blue Skies (1946)Special Effects6.50 / 10.02
The Virginian (1946)Special Effects5.00 / 10.02
The Lost Weekend (1945)Special Effects6.51 / 10.056
Going My Way (1944)Special Effects7.48 / 10.037
For Whom The Bell Tolls (1943)Special Effects5.70 / 10.041
I Married a Witch (1942)Special Effects5.62 / 10.08
Road to Morocco (1942)Special Effects5.00 / 10.02
THIS GUN FOR HIRE (1942)Special Effects7.50 / 10.02
North West Mounted Police (1940)Special Effects6.50 / 10.02

Academy awards

Year Department Title Name
12th(1939 year) Visual Effects Union Pacific Nomination
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