Don Siegel is List of related works.

Don Siegel List of related works
Main person in charge : Director
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
CLINT EASTWOOD: OUT OF THE SHADOW (2000)Other Cast7.00 / 10.03
Unforgiven (1992)Other Crew6.76 / 10.0201
Into the Night (1985)Actor6.22 / 10.022
Escape From Alcatraz (1979)Director, Producer 7.50 / 10.0153
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)Actor6.58 / 10.029
Telefon (1977)Director5.37 / 10.016
The Shootist (1976)Director7.86 / 10.015
The Black Windmill (1974)Director, Producer 7.00 / 10.02
Charley Varrick (1973)Director, Actor, Producer 7.37 / 10.037
The Beguiled (1971)Director, Producer 5.95 / 10.049
Dirty Harry (1971)Director, Actor, Producer 7.53 / 10.0182
Play Misty for Me (1971)Actor6.12 / 10.049
Two Mules For Sister Sara (1970)Director6.08 / 10.023
DEATH OF A GUNFIGHTER (1969)Director6.50 / 10.04
Coogan's Bluff (1968)Director, Actor, Producer 5.34 / 10.029
Faces (1968)Actor6.66 / 10.09
Madigan (1968)Director6.36 / 10.011
The Killers (1964)Director, Actor, Producer 8.33 / 10.06
Hell Is For Heroes (1962)Director6.58 / 10.017
Flaming Star (1960)Director4.80 / 10.05
Edge of Eternity (1959)Director, Actor, Producer 6.83 / 10.06
The Lineup (1958)Director9.00 / 10.04
Baby Face Nelson (1957)Director10.00 / 10.01
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)Director6.76 / 10.025
Riot in Cell Block 11 (1954)Director8.00 / 10.02
The Duel at Silver Creek (1952)Director4.66 / 10.03
All The King's Men (1949)Assistant Director6.00 / 10.013
SERGEANT YORK (1941)Assistant Director6.50 / 10.08

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