Larry Hagman is List of works performed.

Larry Hagman List of works performed
Main person in charge : Actor
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Fail-Safe (1964)Actor8.05 / 10.056
Harry and Tonto (1974)Actor7.38 / 10.050
The Group (1966)Actor7.00 / 10.01
Nixon (1995)Actor6.80 / 10.021
Superman (1978)Actor6.80 / 10.0130
The Eagle has Landed (1976)Actor6.51 / 10.031
The Hired Hand (1971)Actor6.13 / 10.015
Primary Colors (1998)Actor6.00 / 10.030
Deadly Encounter (1982)Actor6.00 / 10.04
The Big Bus (1976)Actor5.00 / 10.01
Beware! The Blob (1971)Director, Actor4.71 / 10.07
MOTHER, JUGS & SPEED (1976)Actor4.00 / 10.02
In Harm's Way (1965)Actor3.00 / 10.01
Checkered Flag or Crash (1977)Actor0

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