Harvey Weinstein is List of related works.

Harvey Weinstein List of related works
Main person in charge : Executive Producer
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【List of related works】

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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
THE LORD OF THE RINGS:THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING (2001)Executive Producer6.69 / 10.0669
Pulp Fiction (1994)Executive Producer7.70 / 10.0537
Princess Mononoke (1997)Executive Producer6.49 / 10.0489
KILL BILL: VOL. 1 (2003)Executive Producer6.19 / 10.0485
THE LORD OF THE RINGS:THE TWO TOWERS (2002)Executive Producer7.38 / 10.0468
Chicago (2002)Executive Producer7.10 / 10.0450
The Others (2001)Executive Producer6.78 / 10.0414
THE LORD OF THE RINGS:THE RETURN OF THE KING (2003)Executive Producer7.55 / 10.0400
Good Will Hunting (1997)Executive Producer7.17 / 10.0362
Chocolat (2000)Executive Producer6.77 / 10.0331
The Cider House Rules (1999)Executive Producer7.30 / 10.0296
The Mist (2007)Executive Producer6.34 / 10.0285
Shakespeare in Love (1998)Producer 6.51 / 10.0277
Gangs of New York (2002)Producer 5.03 / 10.0275
KILL BILL: VOL. 2 (2004)Executive Producer6.05 / 10.0260
THE FACULTY (1998)Executive Producer6.71 / 10.0203
SCREAM (1996)Executive Producer6.59 / 10.0198
Malena (2000)Producer 6.51 / 10.0196
The English Patient (1996)Executive Producer6.40 / 10.0190
Sin City (2005)Executive Producer6.53 / 10.0190
Equilibrium (2002)Executive Producer6.39 / 10.0180
True Romance (1993)Executive Producer7.26 / 10.0179
Kate & Leopold (2001)Executive Producer6.26 / 10.0178
Scary Movie (2000)Executive Producer4.42 / 10.0177
Smoke (1995)Executive Producer7.81 / 10.0169
Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004)Executive Producer6.14 / 10.0169
Jackie Brown (1997)Executive Producer6.03 / 10.0163
The King's Speech (2010)Executive Producer6.65 / 10.0156
SPY KIDS (2001)Executive Producer5.69 / 10.0148
Inglourious Basterds (2009)Executive Producer7.14 / 10.0144

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