Marc Abraham is List of related works.

Marc Abraham List of related works
Main person in charge : Producer
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【List of related works】

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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Air Force One (1997)Executive Producer5.88 / 10.0298
Red Dragon (2002)Actor6.59 / 10.0262
DAWN OF THE DEAD (2004)Producer 6.64 / 10.0242
End of Days (1999)Executive Producer4.28 / 10.0210
Spy Game (2001)Producer 5.92 / 10.0210
The Family Man (2000)Producer 7.26 / 10.0194
BRING IT ON (2000)Producer 7.32 / 10.0159
The Hurricane (1999)Executive Producer7.35 / 10.0157
Thirteen Days (2000)Executive Producer6.66 / 10.0139
Children of Men (2006)Producer 6.24 / 10.0138
IN TIME (2011)Producer 5.22 / 10.079
For Love of the Game (1999)Executive Producer5.40 / 10.064
RoboCop (2014)Producer 5.66 / 10.056
The Thing (2011)Producer 5.21 / 10.055
The Commitments (1991)Producer 7.35 / 10.037
The Road to Wellville (1994)Executive Producer4.00 / 10.021
The Rundown (2003)Producer 5.82 / 10.017
Slither (2006)Executive Producer5.73 / 10.015
A Thousand Acres (1997)Producer 5.69 / 10.013
THE EMPEROR'S CLUB (2002)Producer 6.61 / 10.013
The Man with the Iron Fists (2012)Producer 5.54 / 10.011
Playing God (1997)Producer 5.88 / 10.09
THE LAST EXORCISM (2010)Producer 5.25 / 10.08
Tuck Everlasting (2002)Producer 6.16 / 10.06
A Midnight Clear (1992)Executive Producer7.59 / 10.05
Bring It On Again (2004)Producer 3.00 / 10.05
MOONLIGHTING (1985)Screenwriter6.00 / 10.02
Let's Go to Prison (2006)Producer 8.50 / 10.02
THE MAN WITH THE IRON FISTS 2 (2015)Producer 7.00 / 10.01
I Saw the Light (2015)Director, Screenwriter, Producer 7.00 / 10.01

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