Steven Zaillian is List of related works.

Steven Zaillian List of related works
Main person in charge : Screenwriter
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Those Who Wish Me Dead (2021)Producer 6.20 / 10.05
The Irishman (2019)Screenwriter7.00 / 10.023
THE CURRENT WAR: DIRECTOR'S CUT (2019)Executive Producer5.66 / 10.09
Red Sparrow (2018)Producer 6.33 / 10.021
Exodus: Gods and Kings (2014)Screenwriter6.00 / 10.023
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)Screenwriter, Executive Producer6.82 / 10.0119
Moneyball (2011)Screenwriter6.81 / 10.0103
American Gangster (2007)Screenwriter, Executive Producer6.78 / 10.0111
All the King's Men (2006)Director, Screenwriter, Producer 5.11 / 10.018
The Interpreter (2005)Screenwriter5.51 / 10.076
Gangs of New York (2002)Screenwriter5.03 / 10.0275
Hannibal (2001)Screenwriter5.57 / 10.0432
Black Hawk Down (2001)Screenwriter6.65 / 10.0406
A Civil Action (1998)Director, Screenwriter, Executive Producer6.33 / 10.045
Twister (1996)Screenwriter5.64 / 10.0216
MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE (1996)Writer, Screenwriter6.72 / 10.0366
Clear and Present Danger (1994)Screenwriter5.54 / 10.074
Schindler's List (1993)Screenwriter7.80 / 10.0373
Searching for Bobby Fischer (1993)Director, Screenwriter7.17 / 10.047
Jack the Bear (1993)Screenwriter3.00 / 10.01
Awakenings (1990)Screenwriter7.66 / 10.0293
The Falcon and the Snowman (1985)Screenwriter5.50 / 10.04
Kingdom Of The Spiders (1977)Editor7.00 / 10.01

Academy awards

Year Department Title Name
63th(1990 year) Writing Adapted Screenplay Awakenings Nomination
66th(1993 year) Writing Adapted Screenplay Schindler's List Winner
75th(2002 year) Writing Original Screenplay Gangs of New York Nomination
84th(2011 year) Writing Adapted Screenplay Moneyball Nomination
92th(2019 year) Writing Adapted Screenplay The Irishman Nomination

Golden Globe Awards

Year Department Title Name
51th(1993 year) Best Screenplay - Motion Picture Schindler's List Winner
69th(2011 year) Best Screenplay - Motion Picture Moneyball Nomination
77th(2019 year) Best Screenplay - Motion Picture The Irishman Nomination
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