Kazuko Kurosawa is List of related works.

Kazuko Kurosawa List of related works
Main person in charge : Costume Designer
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【List of related works】

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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Kubi (2023)Costume Designer5.50 / 10.028
Shoplifters (2018)Costume Designer6.38 / 10.094
OUTRAGE 0 CODA (2017)Costume Designer5.40 / 10.037
Like Father, Like Son (2013)Costume Designer7.12 / 10.088
Outrage Beyond (2012)Costume Designer6.40 / 10.088
HARA-KIRI : Death of a Samurai (2011)Costume Designer6.57 / 10.028
OUTRAGE (2010)Costume Designer6.60 / 10.0150
Leonie (2010)Costume Designer6.33 / 10.06
Ballad (2009)Costume Designer5.23 / 10.039
Dear Doctor (2009)Costume Designer7.05 / 10.075
Villon's Wife (2009)Costume Designer6.10 / 10.029
Still Walking (2008)Costume Designer7.58 / 10.098
Silk (2007)Costume Designer4.78 / 10.014
Best Wishes for Tomorrow (2007)Costume Designer5.47 / 10.021
The Professor and His Beloved Equation (2005)Costume Designer5.76 / 10.081
Hana (2005)Costume Designer5.71 / 10.032
Zatoichi (2003)Costume Designer6.60 / 10.0355
The Sea is Watching (2002)Costume Designer5.00 / 10.017
Letter from the Mountain (2002)Costume Designer6.16 / 10.066
The Twilight Samurai (2002)Costume Designer7.23 / 10.0331
After The Rain (2000)Costume Designer6.12 / 10.0108
Not Yet (1993)Costume Designer5.94 / 10.056
Rhapsody in August (1991)Costume Designer4.80 / 10.035
DREAMS (1990)Costume Designer5.82 / 10.075

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