Fernando Carrere is List of related works.

Fernando Carrere List of related works
Main person in charge : Art Director
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
The Final Countdown (1980)Art Director5.41 / 10.048
Convoy (1978)Art Director5.16 / 10.024
Charley Varrick (1973)Art Director7.37 / 10.037
Zeppelin (1970)Art Director7.50 / 10.04
Darling Lili (1970)Art Director7.00 / 10.01
The Party (1968)Art Director6.55 / 10.09
Waterhole No.3 (1967)Art Director7.00 / 10.01
What Did You Do in the War Daddy? (1966)Art Director6.42 / 10.07
The Great Race (1965)Art Director7.10 / 10.030
The Great Escape (1963)Art Director8.24 / 10.0359
Birdman of Alcatraz (1962)Art Director7.80 / 10.015
The Children's Hour (1961)Art Director7.46 / 10.030
On the Beach (1959)Art Director6.25 / 10.039
The Defiant Ones (1958)Art Director7.34 / 10.026

Academy awards

Year Department Title Name
34th(1961 year) Best Art Direction (Black-and-White) The Children's Hour Nomination
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