Jouji Nakata is List of works performed.

Jouji Nakata List of works performed
Main person in charge : Voice Artist
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【Year of production】 / 【Evaluation order】 / 【Sort by number of posts】

Title(Year of production)In chargeAverageNumber of reviews
Armageddon (1998)Voice Artist5.25 / 10.0755
American Beauty (1999)Voice Artist7.00 / 10.0489
Leon: The Professional (1994)Voice Artist7.57 / 10.0439
300 (2006)Voice Artist6.07 / 10.0199
Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000)Voice Artist5.44 / 10.0197
Ronin (1998)Voice Artist5.39 / 10.0161
The Fan (1996)Voice Artist4.87 / 10.0105
π (1997)Voice Artist4.23 / 10.0104
Transporter 2 (2005)Voice Artist6.26 / 10.093
Dinosaur (2000)Voice Artist4.33 / 10.092
Big Hero 6 (2014)Voice Artist6.68 / 10.091
In Her Shoes (2005)Voice Artist6.72 / 10.090
Dobermann (1997)Voice Artist5.38 / 10.081
On Deadly Ground (1994)Voice Artist3.81 / 10.074
Planet Terror (2007)Voice Artist6.55 / 10.072
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018)Voice Artist5.39 / 10.066
Hostage (2005)Voice Artist4.36 / 10.061
EXIT WOUNDS (2001)Voice Artist5.40 / 10.059
Men in Black III/Men in Black 3 (2012)Voice Artist6.19 / 10.056
Sex and the City (2008)Voice Artist6.06 / 10.048
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008)Voice Artist5.71 / 10.045
DOWN (2001)Voice Artist3.51 / 10.041
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)Voice Artist6.63 / 10.036
Thunderbolt (1995)Voice Artist3.62 / 10.035
Sex and the City 2 (2010)Voice Artist5.28 / 10.021
The Simpsons Movie (2007)Voice Artist6.46 / 10.013
ESCAFLOWNE: THE MOVIE (2000)Voice Artist6.00 / 10.012
A Tree of Palme (2001)Voice Artist3.50 / 10.012
The Strangers (2008)Voice Artist6.00 / 10.012
RAHXEPHON: PLURALITAS CONCENTIO [日] (2003)Voice Artist6.18 / 10.011

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